About us
About company
The Vrsovice factory started the mass production of snaps, pins and other metal fittings and notions in 1902. Since then, the development of KOH-I-NOOR has not stopped. In 1994 KOH-I-NOOR became a joint stock company – an exclusively Czech owned company without the participation of foreign capital.
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In 1900 a mechanic named Hynek Puc left the company Lokesch and Son based in the Holešovice section of Prague and founded his own workshop in Holešovice where he manufactured shelf labels, metal thumb tacks and Christmas tree ornaments. In July 1902 he was joined by Jindřich Waldes, a former traveling salesman for the Lokesch factory and together they founded a public business enterprise. The company manufactured small metal objects. one worker and one apprentice worked with them in the workshop. At the end of the same year the partners moved the manufacturing enterprise to a rented building located in a former candle factory in the Karlín section of Prague. At that time a third business partner joined the company, Eduard Merzinger, who contributed to the company 20 thousand Austrian Crowns that he won in a lottery.
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Založení společnosti

KOH-I-NOOR a.s., jedna z nejtradičnějších českých výrobních společností, se stala novým partnerem společnosti Massag a.s.
Quality control
KOH-I-NOOR a.s. management has applied regulations as per the quality management system under ISO 9001:2009 since 2002 and ISO 9001:2016 since 2017 with the objective of improving the existing company management system. This system is applied, complied with, and continuously improved, so that system efficiency of the quality management complies with the requirements of this international standard.
The quality management system is certified for:
Production, purchase, and sales of clothing fasteners and small metal and plastic products, and related designing and tool making, mould making, and machine making.
Part of the production program is intended for the automotive, electro-technical, and paper industry, where Koh-i-noor uses the quality management system under ISO TS 16949:2009. PPAP methods are used in the development of products from this production program. Koh-i-noor a.s. adheres to the conditions of the code of ethics and Reach standards.
Fastening up the world since 1902
More than 120 years of tradition and experience in manufacturing our products.
50+ countries worldwide
Roughly 50% of the production volume is exported to more than 50 countries of the world.
Czech quality and a wide selection
We are a Czech production company and base all that we do on the quality of our goods and services.